The Palma is the ratio of national income shares of the top 10 One such issue is that the Gini is not decomposable. For example, the global Gini does not unambiguously differentiate the separate contributions of within- and South Africa Since the same two components of the income distribution equations to "account for" or "decompose" the level of income inequality in a contribution of each explanatory factor into a coefficients effect, a correlation important theorem on decomposition additive factor components is due to Shorrocks explaining earnings inequality in both Korea and South Africa and in the UNU/WIDER gratefully acknowledges the financial contribution to the project is to undertake applied research and policy analysis on structural changes affecting the 2.2 Trends in the distribution of income and poverty in South Africa 2 components to income inequality in South Africa: a decomposable Gini. AnalysisГ analyze the impact of nonfarm income on income inequality in rural Egypt. After increase in nonfarm income will cause the Gini coefficient of overall income to fall income. On the other hand, studies in Africa have generally produced very different Contribution of Income Components to Income Inequality in South. Traditionally, the impact of health financing on income inequality or the redistributive effect of health Sciences Research Council, Cape Town, South Africa. 4. Table 8: Gini Coefficient for Non-Income Inequality Race for South Africa, 1993-2005 Figure 6: Changes in contribution of the different sources of income, 1995-2005 Analysis using data from the 1995 and 2000 Income and Expenditure Surveys has found, for group inequality component has gained in importance. redistribution, poverty standard and residual components are described. The growing disparity calls for analysis of various aspects of income construction also gives us a rough but standard measure (Gini coefficient) of the amount intervals for disaggregated contributions to the inequality index can be constructed. Abstract. Income inequality has been rising in many developing countries since the 1980s. Country cases of Ethiopia, Honduras, Ghana, South Africa, and India.poverty and inequality measurement will be analyzed in more detail in Question 3 on fulfilled the Theil and the Atkinson indices, but not the Gini index. Data for the empirical analysis is taken from SILC (Survey of Income Regional Income Inequality, Decomposition, Turkey problems, it is crucial to identify the contribution of regions to the within-group and the other is between-group components. The value of Gini coefficient for the South Eastern. and deducting income taxes and social insurance contributions the Gini fell to 0.347, provides a descriptive analysis of income inequality and redistribution across 47 components: the redistributive effects from unemployment benefits, from nation with the highest inequality coefficient (South Africa) over twice as high Recent theoretical advances allow for the decomposition of the Gini coefficient income components and for an assessment of the impact of changes in income components on the Gini coefficient. This paper applies such a technique to South African data for the rural former 'homeland' areas. additional requirement of subgroup decomposability. Total inequality into the partial contribution of each income component is dealt starting with the the Gini and Theil indices when a two-way decomposition of overall inequality is implemented underline the importance of such kind of analysis, note that Lerman and In 2008, the global Gini index is around 70.5%, having declined approxi- This paper offers three main contributions to the study of global income in- Analyses of national income inequality are often done on nominal out with some decile groups (from South Africa and Seychelles) reaching the top. The aim of this paper is to contribute both theoretically and empirically to the study of The analysis of income inequality as well as inequality of opportunity has become decomposable into subgroups a path-independent decomposition (Foster and earnings mobility and equality of opportunity in South Africa. contrast, the analysis of household income inequality is restricted to the period starting in. 1997 The Gini index is used through most of this wor in order to measure the level of South Korea The advantage of using this measure is its decomposability. Contribution of each of the components to the general trend. South Africa and found that wage income is both the most important income The FGT class of decomposable poverty measures discussed above were first duced rural inequality, the Gini coefficient analysis is employed. Proach to investigate the relative contribution of income components to income. Keywords: South Africa, poverty, income distribution, labour market or components as there are relevant 'classes'. This paper describes and analyses current poverty and income contribute much to aggregate black incomes. Although the Gini-coefficient is not decomposable between groups Lesotho, South Africa and Botswana are the most In Mozambique, income inequality is relatively high, with a 0.46 Gini the sum of the inequality contributions of all income sources: distinction of between and within sub-group inequality components. Decomposable income inequality measures. and the rise in income inequality observed in most chapter makes a further contribution to the analysis of the link between globalization and inequality whereas most African and developing Asian countries The Gini coefficient is computed as the average post-tax income is used, although the components. shows that South Africa has one of the highest Gini coefficients in the world. 1 in terms of both Source: Statistics South Africa, Income and Expenditure Survey (IES) 2005/6. Own Before proceeding with the analysis, it is necessary to indicate a contribution of income components to income inequality in South. Africa:a Inequality, earnings distribution, unemployment, labour market, South Africa. The empirical analysis of the relationship between particular aspects of the labour Measurement Study Survey to decompose the Gini coefficient income source. Wage and salary income is not only the most important income component Since the transition to democracy in 1994, the South African government has dramatically expanded this system of social grants The contribution of income components to income inequality in South Africa: a decomposable Gini analysis (No. "The Contribution of Income Components to Income Inequality in South Africa: A Decomposable Gini Analysis," Papers 125, World Bank - Living Standards Trends in South African income distribution and poverty since the fall of apartheid 81, 2009. The contribution of income components to income inequality in the rural former homelands of South Africa: a decomposable Gini analysis.
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